Државниот инспекторат за техничка инспекција ги извршува активностите на инспекциски надзор при начинот на вршење на техничката инспекција и при користење на техничката опрема и условите кои треба да ги исполнуваат независните правни лица за вршење на технички прегледи и периодични испитувања, како и начинот на пропишување на техничките прописи за техничка опрема.



The State Technical Inspectorate is carring out inspection surveillance over the application of the laws and other regulations in the performance of geological research and exploitation of mineral raw material pursuant to the Law on Mineral Resources.

According the Article 5 of the "Law on Technical Inspection" the Inspectorate shall carry out inspection surveillance over the application of the laws and the technical regulations when using the technical equipment in the following areas:


The Inspectorate shall also carry out inspection surveillance over the application of the laws and other regulations regarding the Articles 158, 159, 170, 171 and 173 of the Law on Energetics.

Phases of inspection

The chart of phases of inspection, according the Product Safety Law and Law on Technical Inspection are as following:

Phases of inspection

State technical inspectorate

State Technical Inspectorate is peformig the acivities of inspection monitoring in the manner of conducting technical inspection when using technical equipment and the conditions to be met by independent authorised and accredited bodies for carrying out technical check-ups and periodical examinations, as well as the manner of prescribing the technical regulations for technical equipment.

Activities related to inspection surveillance of the technical equipment shall be carried out by the State Inspectorate for Technical Inspection , as a independent body implementing the legislation of the Ministry of Economy.

Activities related to technical in-servise and periodical examinations of the technical equipment shall be carried out by Independent Authorised and Accredited bodies for technical and in-servise periodical testings.